Poses 1 and 2: Awaken your spine with Cat & Cow
Roll into cow with an inhalation, drawing your shoulders back and opening through your chest, and melt into cat by rounding your spine for that full stretch into lower back, hugging stomach in and up as you do so.
Repeat 6-8 times, keep flowing with the breath.

Pose 3: Seated side body twist
Pose 4 & 5: One handed tiger
Pose 6: Downward dog
Stretch through the back body. Draw hips up and back. Bend knees if you need to and focus on length through the spine, drawing chest to the thighs. Press hands into mat and gaze between the feet.
Pose 7: Low Lunge
Pose 8: Standing forward fold
Cross over the feet, press thighs together and inhale as you reach up, grow longer and catch your wrist on opposite arm. As you exhale, lean over to the opposite side whilst pressing feet down into the floor. Creating space in the side body.

Pose 9: Standing forward fold - moderate
Place both feet under the hips. Take a full deep breath in, bend the knees and fold over the legs. Drawing stomach to thighs. Reach both arms around back of the legs, and hug your legs gently for a softer forward fold. Press down through centre of the feet. Keep breathing into back body.

Pose 10: Forward fold- intense
Place both feet a bit wider than shoulders distance. Take a full deep breath in, bend the knees and fold over drawing chest forward. Place hands under shoulders. Inhale and as you exhale fold and place hands on top of feet. Catching big toes with peace fingers. Inhale and lift up slightly, exhale and gently pull on feet, drawing them towards you, bending the elbows. Press down through edges of the feet. Bend knees a little if you need to. Keep breathing into back body. Creating space for the day ahead. Inhale to rise up to top.