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Cat Teague

Yoga Teacher Cat Teague Reveals Her Favourite Known Supplements

Yoga Teacher and Personal Trainer Cat Teague has been working in the wellness industry for several years, running Yoga Up in Manchester. In this blog post, she reveals insight into her daily wellness routine as she shares her favourite Known supplements. 
Cat has been taking Known's Advanced Collagen Sachets for the past six months, along with Mood Support Gummies.

"Taking supplements was not an obvious choice for me, as I had always believed that if I eat enough of the right foods, then I am giving my body what it needs. But with collagen and those vitamin B's, it's a different story!

Age studies have reported that our collagen levels begin to deplete in our mid-20's and by the time we are 30, it depletes by 1% every year. You can't replace that with food alone.

Collagen plays a key role in joint health as we age, aiding agility - our ability to move with more ease. As well as providing a number of other key benefits; such as increased elasticity of skin, improved gut health, muscle recovery and improved health of skin hair and nails. 

As all of the above are affected by age;  for someone who is moving their body, teaching others, and practising most days - taking Known's Collagen supplement became an obvious choice for me. 

I would rather aid my body as it ages, so I can keep enjoying it and helping it as I age.

The most noticeable benefits have been reduced inflammation of my joints, thicker hair, stronger nails and healthier skin. I even tested this out recently by not taking the supplement for a month - and I felt the difference in my body, my ankles notably and I could see it in my skin, it was less full and even toned.  After that, I was back on it regularly, without doubt about the difference that it makes!

The packaging makes it so easy to take in the morning, especially if you're on the go- you can just throw it in your bag for later, or snap the pack and take the liquid quickly and easily. The summer fruit flavour is delicious. 
Known Advanced Collagen

Alongside this, I take the Known Mood Support Gummies. As I needed something to help me balance my energy dips. Fatigue is natural for all of us, with busier lives and different stress loads, but as a trainer I really needed the dips to balance out. 

Vitamin B's are key for boosting energy, but if you're vegan or vegetarian (which I mostly am), nutritionists report that you cannot get these in a healthy amount just from fruit, vegetables and grains. So, it made sense to take something that would have that in abundance - which this does. 

It not only combats fatigue, the Ashwaganda aids mental energy and cognition. It's been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries, aiding relief from stress and anxiety. For someone who has to deliver classes at set times and move from location to location, rather quickly - it has been the perfect leveller for me. 
Known Mood Support

In all honesty, if I'd understood the bio-composition of our bodies as we age a bit  sooner, I probably would have started taking the Advanced Collagen in my mid-20's and the Mood Support Gummies when I switched to being vegetarian. 

Together I have felt that my body and mind has been optimised by the supplements. Previously, I definitely would have crashed energy wise, but alongside getting more rest and improving my diet as I've aged, the supplements have really made a difference for me, making the transitions through my thirties to forty.
I recommend it to most of my female clients also to help support a healthy mind and body - which is what I am all about!"
Want to learn more about Cat's yoga classes? Check out Yoga Up's website and follow her on Instagram @yogaupcat
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